Have you ever seen a group of riders cruising down the street or on a park path together laughing and enjoying their bike ride and wondered how they met? They may have met at a cycling club in the area. Cycling clubs are exactly what they sound like – a group of riders with some formal organization behind them.
Many cycling clubs cater to all shapes, sizes, and ages of riders. Some may be dedicated strictly to road biking, and others may exclusively ride trails. Some cycling clubs may prefer traditional bikes while others may prefer riders with electric bikes only. The type of bike, type of rider, and skill level may be obvious, or it may be a collection of different styles and hard to pin down.
Cycling clubs are an excellent option for new and seasoned riders alike. Today we’re going to explore 5 of our favorite reasons to join a cycling club as well as how to find a cycling club near you.
Social Benefits and Easy Fun
Our first reason to join a cycling club may seem obvious, but not everyone remembers that humans are social creatures by their nature and crave social interaction. A bike club represents exactly the type of social connection that humans need to survive and thrive in their environment. Meeting new friends, forging lifelong relationships, and having a blast at the same time is a huge benefit of joining a club.
Improved Exercise and Riding Classes
Another great reason to join is that sometimes physical exercise can seem daunting when you consider the prospect of doing it alone. But by adding a group of riders and the camaraderie that comes along with it, a difficult exercise can turn into a joyful experience. This shift in perspective may lead you to turn the exercise into a regular habit more easily. You won’t want to let your new friends down by missing a ride, so you may feel more encouraged to show up and ride each day, week, or month, depending on the schedule.
Not only will you find yourself exercising more regularly, but you may also be able to benefit from safety classes or riding clinics sponsored by the cycling club. More seasoned riders can offer mentorship and coaching as you seek to grow your riding skill set. You already know the benefits of cycling at least 30 minutes a day and a cycling club is an easy way to incorporate it into your daily life.
Networking Opportunities
Similar to the social benefits one can attain from joining a cycling club, there are also professional benefits to be found. It is a well-known fact that most new jobs come from a referral or recommendation by an existing employee whom you already know. By expanding your circle of friends and peers with similar interests, you may also be able to expand your network of future coworkers and people who will vouch for your work ethic or personality.
If career goals aren’t an issue, you can use the networking opportunities to learn about competitive races or events in the area. Meet the planners, riders, and sponsors of different events to gain access to exclusive perks only available to those in the know. Finally, a cycling club may open the door to other exercise groups and clubs such as recreational sports leagues or hobby groups in your city.
Community Development
Cycling clubs are often at the forefront of developing an inclusive and vibrant community. Without the intentional effort of hard-working and kind individuals, a community suffers, and its residents start to feel disconnected. This, in turn, starts to be reflected in the lack of events or quality of life in the area. For example, many cycling clubs participate in or even sponsor charity rides to raise awareness about certain illnesses or diseases. They also perform educational outreach to teach drivers and pedestrians more about bike laws, safety tips, and biking culture.
Learn More About E-Bike Tips and Routes
Our final benefit to joining a cycling club near you is to learn more about the world of e-bikes in general. You’ll quickly gain the knowledge of everyone in the group whether about e-bike repairs, sales in the industry, or simple tips like how to avoid flat tires.
Additionally, riders typically know the best routes in your state because they’ve collectively ridden many thousands of miles. You’ll be able to explore new routes based on recommendations from your group. Some new friends might even be willing to share their maps or join you on your adventure.
How to Find a Cycling Club Near You
Finding a cycling club may feel intimidating at first. But remember, every single person was a new member of their cycling club at one time or another. It is in the best interest of the cycling club to be welcoming to new members to grow their group. You might be able to ride along with the group a few times to get the feel for the culture, but at some point, most clubs do require a small membership fee to help pay for the fun events they sponsor.
Finding a club is as easy as going to Google or Facebook and searching for cycling clubs in your city or state. You may also have luck by asking around at local bike shops. Community newsletters may advertise sponsored rides or events in your area. Never be afraid to stop and ask a fellow rider when you see them out on a path or trail. Complimenting another rider on their bike or gear is a sure-fire way to introduce yourself amicably so that you can ask if they know of any regular riding clubs around.
After reading these rock-solid benefits of joining a cycling club, we hope that you’ll check one out soon. Grow your social and professional circle, turn your exercise routine into a habit, improve your community while gaining new biking knowledge, and find the best routes from other local riders. Soon after joining a new club, you’ll being to feel like a regular and will be able to experience an entirely new world of e-biking. Happy riding!