Bought two cruisers, fast shipping, easy to assemble, great quality, great price and value.
Getting a package Via FedEx is always a stressful event. However, the way my bike and yours will be packed is just perfect. My bike arrived with zero damage, zero parts missing. It was easy to put together and I love it! If you are thinking about getting your first ebike or adding another one to your collection buy from Himiway. You can not go wrong.
Professional quality service and the support team are willing to go the extra mile to make sure to see things through
I absolutely love this bike. I was looking for a 20" tire folding e-bike with a torque sensor, no FAT tires, long range, light weight, with a short wheel base, step through frame, and suspension, at a reasonable price. This bike fits the bill with one minor change...I swapped out the seat post with a $30 suspension seat post from Amazon...big difference in comfort. Riding this bike is pure joy. The battery seems to last forever and the miles just melt away. Everything seems well built and of high quality. Even without the assist, the bike is a pleasure and easy to ride. One important thing to note is an error in the user turn on and off the head lights by holding the "+" key for ~2sec. NOT the power button. Anyway, I've now ridden the bike a couple hundred miles and have no complaints. The seat that comes with it is very comfortable. The motor has plenty of power to climb the steepest hills. The torque sensor control allows for just the right amount of asset in any situation. Riding this bike is like being given a super power. Its AWESOME.
Perfect replacement for my original battery that went bad (I took the original apart and found a bad ground path on the BMS-wish I could have bought a replacement BMS instead :( but I understand why that is not an option). I am happily riding again!
It doesn't show the seat dimensions and I'm wondering if anyone has the length of the seat.
Hi Ben,
Thank you for your query regarding the seat dimensions of our product. The seat length is 23 inches, and the width is 9 inches.
The 750 and low Center of gravity make this a great street bike. When you run on throttle it feels like you’re riding a Vespa or a Spree. It’s solid, love it, it’s controller is also unlockable.
I had to exchange a front fork for my Cruiser that was for a different bike and Leo handled it very professionally and quickly. Great communication and kept me updated constantly. Excellent experience.
That you
I have a Himiway Cobra that I have used for hunting and mountain riding. I liked the quality and ride so well that I purchased my wife a Himiway D5 step thru. She loves it and that’s what matters. Happy wife happy life! Bike arrived promptly and well packaged.
I like the light, only problem I have with the wrap around rubber is it doesn’t stay secure but moves with rough riding.