E-bikes should be treated like the investment they are. After all, an e-bike can save you tons of money over a long timeframe if you keep it well-maintained. But many people do not know how best to protect their investment. Lucky for you there are some best practices when it comes to e-bike protection, and we are going to discuss a few of them here today.
One key component of any e-bike is the e-bike motor. It is right up there with the battery in terms of importance. This means riders should do everything possible to protect their motor and keep it in good working order. E-bike motors are one of the most expensive components on the bike and are very difficult to swap out. This difficulty alone should be incentive enough to perform routine e-bike maintenance, follow best e-bike practices, and protect the e-bike motor at all costs.
Don’t Ride Your E-bike Through Water
Trees need water. E-bikes don’t. It’s as simple as that. By leaving an e-bike in the rain or running it through deep water, you may get water inside the motor casing. Over time this will cause it to rust from the inside out and seize up when in use. The worst part is you may never see it coming. Because the motor is enclosed, it will be hard to see the rust forming and the water damage. The best preventive action you can take is to avoid water altogether.
This also applies to transporting your e-bike on an e-bike hitch rack. If possible, or when you know you will be encountering inclement weather, buy an e-bike cover and strap it over your bike while it is on the rack. Driving through a thunderstorm might be unavoidable, but you can at least cover your e-bikes with a waterproof cover and bungee straps to keep most of the rain off them.
Himiway e-bikes are designed to withstand some water exposure, but you are better to be safe than sorry when it comes to risking the quality of your e-bike. If you do find that you have allowed too much water to penetrate your bike, dry it off as soon as possible and place it in a dry location to allow the water to evaporate from the crevices of the bike.
Don’t Let Your E-bike Rust
Metal rusts over time when exposed to air and moisture. The more air and the more moisture it is exposed to, the more likely it is to rust sooner. It is simply a characteristic of metal materials. But there are things you can do to avoid or limit this from occurring.
As we discussed, e-bikes should avoid water and rain whenever possible. One way to ensure your bike stays dry is to store it inside. If you can’t store it inside, look for a covered porch or awning. If you are still out of luck, try to find a garage or shed or ask a neighbor to use theirs for a small fee.
Many riders in the e-bike community may also be willing to help out a fellow biker in the rainy or snowy months by lending some storage space. Whatever you do, try not to store your bike outside exposed to the elements for extended periods of time as it will wreak havoc on the motor with rust and may damage the electric battery.
Don’t Adjust the Factory Settings
Adjusting the factory settings in a manger not intended may cause the motor to overheat or to work harder than intended. Motors are rated for specific ranges of speed and operating temperature. By applying after-market changes to your e-bike, you may damage the motor or void your factory warranty. It is best to leave the factory settings as-is while riding your e-bike.
Clean Your E-bike Regularly
Don’t allow your bike to build up mud, dust, dirt, or debris. However, similar to the rain and water issue, you’ll want to pay close attention to how you clean your e-bike. A regular cleaning and drying routine is a great idea, but that doesn’t mean you need to soak your bike or submerge it in any water. A lightly wet sponge and a quick towel dry is all it needs to keep the parts. Any more than that and you risk damaging the internal components of the motor.
Keep Your Tire Pressure Maintained
It sounds strange to be talking about tire pressure in an article about motor performance, but it’s very relevant. The lower the tire pressure on your bike, the harder the bike will have to work. This extends to the motor, battery, and brakes. Full and proper tire pressure will allow the motor to work smoothly and as intended.
Tires can lose air in all sorts of ways. Changing temperatures can cause the tire pressure to decrease as can frequent riding. Tires are not a perfectly airproof system, so they will naturally lose minor amounts of air over time. Check the side of your tire or the manual to find the correct PSI. Check your pressure about once a month and top it up as needed with an air pump and gauge.
By keeping your tires pressurized and filled with air, the motor won’t need to do as much work. Especially on hot days in the summer, this will keep the motor working quietly and easily.
These motor protection tips should form a good foundation for keeping your motor in tip-top shape. Focus on preventing water from coming into contact with your bike. This is a great tip to keep in mind at all times. By preventing your bike from getting wet, you will be able to prevent the onset of rust. Don’t adjust the settings that your bike ships with and clean your bike with mild soap and a light sponge. Finally, keep your tires filled with proper air pressure to allow for peak performance of the motor and battery. By following these tips, your e-bike motor will perform well for many years to come!