Himiway ignited the benevolence of scores of auctioneers at St. Matthew School recently when it donated one of its Himiway Cruisers. The Himiway Cruiser is a chic, cutting-edge electric bike that combines adaptability to complex cycling conditions with comfort.
The organization gladly participated in the school’s silent and live auction that was held on February 12, 2022, at the Oak Creek Community Center. The proceeds from the auction will aid the institution in expanding their technology resources. With the funds raised, St. Matthew School, which serves southern Milwaukee and Racine counties, will replace smart boards with teaching televisions.

The efforts of Himiway helped the school to realize their goal. The Himiway cruiser created so much excitement that it served as the auction's main raffle prize. The possibility of winning the bike made such fanfare that the event raised its highest amount of money to date.
"I want to thank Himiway again for their generous gift to our school auction. Due to their gift, we had our most successful year of money raised. There was a tremendous amount of people interested in winning this bike. I believe we sold tickets to over 110 people," shared a spokesperson from the school.

The leading e-bike company is no stranger to benevolence. Over the years, they have had multiple partnerships or participated in donations. Some of their kind pursuits include collaborating with the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition (LACBC).
Himiway and LACBC spearheaded an initiative that saw e-bikes being purchased by small businesses in the LA Harbor at a subsidized cost for six months. They would swap out delivery cars with Himiway e-bikes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. They also used the program to foster the creation of safer infrastructure for bikes and other non-car road users. At the end of the period, businesses could either purchase their bike or receive a discount to buy another.
Another outreach project saw Himiway team up with Calbike for their $10M E-Bike Affordability Campaign. The sole aim of this program was to raise $10 million to subsidize the cost for an estimated 10,000 Californians to purchase e-bikes to inhibit air pollution while promoting public health. (https://www.calbike.org/bike_purchase_incentives/)
They have also partnered with Adventure cycling association to aid in connecting a growing community of bicycle novices and experts while they forge bonds on and off the road.
While other e-bikes are stripped of their bells and whistles to make the product more affordable, Himiway has struck the ideal balance of quality and cost without eliminating any value-added parts.
In addition to uplifting communities as they have been committed to do, Himiway intends to bring more joy to the community by hosting an event that will be remembered for years to come. On March 12, they will launch the very first HimiBikeTour. This event will be open to all and will offer the opportunity for 10 lucky riders to participate.
The steps are simple.
Step 1: Take a photo of your Himiway bike.
Step 2: Post the phot in the group and provide the address (preferably street name) where you ride along with the hashtag #himibiketour.
Step 3: Await the announcement of the randomly selected 10 lucky fellows.
Step 4: Receive the customized cycling route which will be decided upon by all candidates.
Step 5: Ride out on March 12 at the grand #himibiketour. All candidates will gather at an appointed restaurant.
To learn more about the Himiway’s charitable initiatives and the upcoming himibiketour, check Himiway Bike on Facebook!