It’s no secret that living a long and healthy life is now possible for almost everyone in the developed world. Barring an unfortunate or untimely issue occurring, most humans can expect to live over 70 years on average, according to the latest research. And that number has continued to increase in the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa over the past decade.
With each new generation living longer and better thanks to advancements in medications, safety tips, therapies, and a greater understanding of the human body, it’s only natural to lean into those activities which take advantage of and increase the likelihood of a continued healthy life well into “old” age. And the good news is the point at which someone reaches “old” age continues to get pushed out further and further on the life scale.
You are only old if you feel old; age is just a number on a document. The true mark of a person’s age is how good they feel each day. So, which activities are most suited for seniors to maintain their fitness and health? Look no further than any activity that gets you moving, raises your heart rate, and increases blood circulation. Of course, our favorite way here at Himiway is to move more and feel good, which happens to be possible with fat tire e-biking. Let’s discuss why:
Physical Health Benefits of E-bikes

E-bikes are an easy and effective method of exercise. The secret to e-bike's massive popularity lies in something called “pedal-assist.” Some e-bikes, like the Himiway Zebra Step-Thru, have pedal assist technology which can be set by the rider according to their preference. The bike will then provide additional power as you pedal. You can choose a little or a lot or anywhere in between. Pedal-assist makes for a truly custom exercise experience according to how you are feeling that day. This will ensure you feel great and are ready to ride the next day again. Burn calories but don’t burn out with pedal-assist.
E-bikes provide flexibility and optionality for every ride. Sometimes you don’t want to pedal for the entire trip or even at all. This is where the throttle comes into play. Having the option of the comfortable half-twist throttle will speed you along without the use of pedals at all. The throttle-only mode feels more like a light motorcycle than a traditional bicycle, and Himiway is well-known for having some of the most powerful motors. Some older riders may simply not be able to conquer a giant hill. But with the flexibility of choosing to use the throttle, riders will be more likely to keep biking day after day. Never again dread the long, uphill return at the end of a tough ride.
E-biking is COVID-friendly. The world changed for good after COVID-19 entered our lives. With a renewed interest and concern for airborne diseases, folks of all ages are looking for more outdoor activities. E-biking is a way to stay socially distant and protected from germs. Skip the crowded gym full of muscleheads in favor of a peaceful ride outside.
Helps fight against diseases and disabilities. Individuals with respiratory issues like asthma or trouble breathing after experiencing COVID may be able to manage the light exercise an e-bike with pedal-assist provides. Riders with moderate to severe arthritis may find it difficult to get on and off or pedal a traditional bicycle. But moped ebikes like the Himiway Escape Pro take the pain out of getting on the bike thanks to the step-thru design and comfortable seat. Check with your doctor before starting any new exercise, but don’t feel left out just because you have a disability. The wide-open world can be available to you once again.

Mental Health Benefits of E-bikes
Spending time in nature is easier with an e-bike. Fresh air always does the body good. But it is also important for a healthy mind. Riding your bike outdoors means fewer distractions and will make you feel at ease with your surroundings. Get back to your roots with a little time in the sun to experience the feel-good chemicals your brain will produce while exercising outside.
Stay socially active on your e-bike. Visiting friends and family, riding with a cycling club, or simply waving hello to passing strangers are all excellent ways to connect with your local community and maintain a high level of social activity. As we know, social connections are crucial to our mental well-being as we age.
Many individuals have undergone a transformation over the last few years. A shifting of priorities has occurred, and many folks now place greater importance on their health and social life. This newfound meaning to life can be fully explored by adopting an e-bike routine. Living in line with your values will feel better than trying to fit into another person’s idea of life.
Find a new passion in e-biking. As we age, we tend to stick with what feels familiar. If you’ve never biked seriously before, you may be doing yourself a disservice by avoiding it. Find a new passion in life with the joys of e-biking and break the monotony of habit. Keep your mind sharp by learning all about a new skill and hobby.
An ebike can give you increased confidence. A new technology mixed with an old one will seem exciting and familiar all at once. People will turn their heads in awe at the speed and power of your e-bike. Increase your confidence and improve your style with a new ride. But, be warned, you may make some neighbors a bit jealous of your new purchase!
Your health is a collection of activities you do, attitudes you have, and networks that you are a part of. Improve the odds of a healthy and fit lifestyle with an e-bike. The many benefits to your mental and physical health are hard to quantify, but easy to feel.
Stay flexible with plenty of options to ride an ebike just the way you want. Out in nature by yourself, where you can be socially distant, or with a cycling club where you can form new relationships, there is no wrong choice for how to enjoy your e-bike. Fight back against diseases and old age by moving and keeping your heart healthy. Find a new passion and improve your confidence by looking and feeling fitter than ever. The good old days are just a bike ride away. Happy riding!