Welcome to our second episode of Himiway's showcase series "Discovering your Himiway". Today, we are going to talk about the function and benefits of fat tires.
So the Himiway e-bike sports a wide tire, so we sort of fittingly call it: the All Terrain Electric Fat Bike.
Alright, so let's take a look at what, you know, a tire that you've probably seen quite a few times in the past, looks like this is your general mountain bike tire. Not quite as thick as what you can probably see from right behind me, which is the Kenda tire that's on our Himiway fat bike. So, the Kenda brand tire is a Taiwanese brand established in the 1960s and is a world-class and highly well-known brand for tires. This particular model of tire used for the Himiway bike is 26 "in diameter, a whole 4" wide and has Kenda's top-notch puncture-resistant tread. Let's make a comparison with the normal 2-inch bike tire again. So, you see, actually, this Kenda tire is about twice as wide as what you would see on a normal bike tire. You may already know that fat bike tires are between four and five inches wide. The fat tires are designed to give you a bigger surface area so you can ride over things like snow and sand that a normal bike would sink into which would make traversing rough terrain highly difficult.
At the same time, the pattern of the tire thread which you can see here can prevent some small fragments from piercing the tire during normal riding, and this obviously makes for a safer ride. This tread can also prevent the tire from slipping when riding in the snow. So if we take a look again at our typical mountain bike tire. Think about riding this through terrain similar to sand or snow. This tire is going to pierce right through it. You are not going to be able to get any speed. You are not going to be able to turn, you might even fall down. With a wider, broad-surface tire like Kenda tire that's on our Himiway bike here. You are going to stay above that terrain and you are going to enjoy a much more successful ride.

You can see, looking at this tire, we've actually got 30 tires here and TPI stands for threads per inch. So that value refers to the number of threads contained in one inch of the tire casing. Choosing higher TPI or lower TPI tends to be a decision factoring in both tire durability and agility. So the TPI value is also a reflection of the puncture resistance of the tire. The normal bicycle is 30 TPI because 30 TPI tends to be right for a normal life. Himiway's wide tires allow users to choose from a variety of scenes or terrain to ride through.
Himiway's wide tires allow users to choose from a variety of scenes or terrain to ride through; on the snow, in the mountains, through the forest, over the rocks near a river, and of course on the city streets. So, one thing that you'll see if we look back again at our typical mountain bike tire is a very consistent tread where you are not seeing a lot of pieces really jut out. That's fine generally for roads, but what you can see in contrast on the Kenda tire if we turn this towards the camera, we've got these pieces really jutting out and of course you have the wider tire to begin with. So, when you are on snow, you are in sand, you can kind of think of this like a snowshoe. This is going to stay on top and that's what's going to really give you the ability to move around and the ability to pick up speed. If you are thinking about, you know, a smaller, thinner tire, that's just going to cut right through. So, having this wider tire is what's going to keep on a straight path in very rough terrain in much more effective of a way than you would see with a thinner tire.
Okay, that's it for the info about our fat tires. I hope that today's introduction will help you better understand the use and benefits of choosing Himiway. When you're factoring in agility, speed and durability. This fat tires will be exactly what you are looking for. Himiway wishes you a great day and happy riding! See you next time.