There is perhaps nothing more agitating than a Monday morning met with sweaty bodies packed like sardines into a subway. Generally speaking, Himiway e-bikes are bicycles with a battery-powered "assist" that comes via pedaling and, in some cases, a throttle. With an Himiway Cruiser you take back control of your commute and your life — fresh air, open road and no unexpected hassles. No exposure to high levels of body odor or suspiciously stained seats. When you push the pedals on a pedal-assist e-bike, a small motor engages and gives you a boost, so you can zip up hills and cruise over tough terrain without gassing yourself.
Do you like cycling to exercise?
Even if you're in excellent shape and very fit, you still can get exercise by Himiway e-biking. With less effort exerted you should be able to ride for a longer distance. One hour of cycling moderately on an electric bicycle burns roughly 350-400 calories. The e-bike is the perfect daily addition to a healthy lifestyle routine. While the e-bike can aid you up steep inclines and help you cover ground faster, it's also considerably heavier than a normal bike (some are upwards of 75-90 pounds). Between steering and pedaling, your own output (sans engine) can translate into a solid workout, especially for your core, which has to brace you with every turn. At the same time, we learned that Colorado University researchers found that when 20 non-exercising men and women e-biked about 40 minutes three days a week, they improved their cardiovascular fitness and blood sugar in just one month.
How much transportation do you spend each month?
If you use the E-bike instead of a motor vehicle it will save you money in the long run. In most states, riding an e-bike doesn’t require a special license, registration, or insurance. You can pick up a new, decent quality Himiway e-bike from as little as $1400 while upkeep costs are roughly the same as running a regular bike (for consumable parts like tires, chains and brake pads). Petrol and diesel are costly in most countries, and occasional price surges can really impact on your budget. While with E-bikes, you can buy affordable batteries which can last you 45-60+ miles after a full charge depending on the level of assistance you use. So with an Himiway e-bike the only hidden cost is just a few cents of electricity to recharge the battery.
How much have you contributed to the environment?
Climate change and global warming are serious issues and we all need to play our part. a study found that if 10% of New York City commuters biked to work just once a week instead of driving or taking public transit, they could cut back on 120 million pounds of CO2 emissions per year—equal to the amount of CO2 released by 25,000 New York homes per year. Obviously, since electric cycling doesn’t consume gas, your e-bike emits a lot less carbon than a car would. So riding an e-bike, while a small change, can leave a lasting impact on the environment.
How much do you know about traffic safety?
More than tens of thousands of people are killed in traffic accidents in the United States each year. Most bike accidents on the road take place at junctions such as crossroads or roundabouts. An Himiway e-bike poses significantly less risk to your vital signs than a two-ton, four-wheel, speeding vehicle doesÂ. This is often down to the fact that it takes a few vital seconds for a halted cyclist to build up speed. So, the speed on an e-bike is nowhere close to those that a car can achieve, and riding in bike lines (assuming you use them) keeps you out of the direct path of cars, lessening the risk you'll collide with one.
Have you considered future modes of transportation?
The car business is jumping in with both feet, because they realize that cars in high-density urban areas, where more than half the human race lives, just aren’t working anymore. With big transportation players seeing massive success with e-bikes, and cities searching for ways to relieve traffic congestion, programs may only continue to expand. The electric bike is on its way to being up there with its smart counterparts. Ford is already bankrolling an electric bike-share system in San Francisco, and GM has launched two e-bikes of their own. Many countries in Southeast Asia took the lead in using E-bikes as a sustainable mode of transportation, and with the continuous rise of urban air pollution, there is a big future for E-bikes.